Ruby Ventures at a Glance
Who We Are
We are an entrepreneurial family office with extensive experience, a successful track record, and a reputation for meticulous execution.
What We Do
We invest in real estate and in innovative technologies offering visionary enterprises capital, guidance, and connections to help them grow and generate above-market returns.
Our Mission
At Ruby Ventures, our mission is to create value for shareholders by investing in transformative ideas and projects.
Investment Philosophy
We make our investment decisions independently, squarely basing them on business fundamentals and long-term value creation. Once committed to including a company in our portfolio, we engage with it on a deep level, providing it with strategic advice, industry expertise, business intelligence and access to relevant partners and prospects.
What People Say About Us

Wyse Meter Solutions


We are sensitive to the needs and aspirations of the communities in which we operate. Indeed, when selecting portfolio companies, we give careful consideration to the socio-economic benefits they provide.